Herzlauf Österreich (Austria Heart Run)

"Take care of your heart and run for mine" – running for a cause.

Herzlauf Österreich (Austria Heart Run)

The charity run in aid of children and adolescents with CHD and GUCHs.

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This interesting sporting event and the resulting donations help to support the work of Herzkinder Österreich and thus families with children suffering from CHD.

True to the motto "Take care of your heart and run for mine" we have launched a supporting campaign to prevent heart disease, to prevent cardiovascular diseases and to motivate people to exercise.

The Austria Heart Run is aimed at children, Nordic walkers, beginners, advanced and professional runners.

By participating in the run, you are supporting children suffering from CHD and their families through the organization "Herzkinder Österreich".

Whether you are a beginner, advanced or professional runner, everyone is welcome - true to the motto "Take care of your heart and run for mine."

Show that YOU also have a heart for weak hearts and be part of one of the next heart runs.


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01 Herzlauf2017 1833
1 Herzlauf Timar 044
0 Krieglach Timar 2018 384
1 17 29 515 29 Pm Md45697
10 13 1310 13 Am Md44537
Slider 2 Herzlauf Wien 2019 008