Contact | Imprint

Association adress:

Herzkinder Österreich, Grünauerstraße 10, 4020 Linz
Register of Associations No: 150882343
Competent authority: Federal Police Headquarters Linz, Associations Dept.

Register of Associations excerpt: Vereinsregisterauszug
Association statutes: Vereinsstatuten

Michaela Altendorfer - President
Phone : +43 664 520 09 31

Astrid Lang-Moitzi - Vice president
Office & Accountings
Telefon: +43 664 432 56 56
Email: |

Data protection:

You can find our data protection declaration at:

Data protection officer: Michaela Altendorfer - President

Your data will be used as specified in the privacy policy under point 1.

You can object to this processing of your data for these purposes at any time.

You can reach us at:

Legal notices

Offer of information:

Herzkinder Österreich has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct and complete at the time of publication.
Herzkinder Österreich accepts no responsibility for the information provided. Liability claims against Herzkinder Österreich, of whatever nature, which are caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are expressly excluded.
All offers are subject to change and non-binding. Herzkinder Österreich expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete or temporarily or permanently cease publication of parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice.
Copyright and usage rights notice:

The works reproduced here are protected by Austrian and international copyright law. The authors grant the right to produce individual copies for personal, non-commercial use. All other rights, in particular the right of reproduction and distribution, as well as translation, are reserved. No part of the works reproduced here may be reproduced in any form (by photocopying, microfilm or any other method) or stored, processed, copied or distributed using electronic systems without the written consent of the authors.

In the case of references, of whatever kind, to external Internet sites ("links") that are not directly sub-pages of the information offered on, Herzkinder Österreich assumes no liability for the content of the linked websites.

Legal validity of this disclaimer:

This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the online content from which you were referred to this page. If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain in full effect. It shall be noted that despite careful revision, no liability shall be assumed for the accuracy of the information provided and that the authors of Herzkinder Österreich accept no responsibility.

Upon making the donation, the donor confirms that he/she has full legal power of disposal over the chosen means of payment (e.g. credit card, account, mobile device, prepaid card).

Upon making the donation, the donor confirms that the chosen amount will be made available to Herzkinder Österreich and is to be used by Herzkinder Österreich in accordance with the basic principles of Herzkinder Österreich.