Data protection notice

Since data protection is a high priority at Herzkinder Österreich, we strictly adhere to the legal requirements of the Data Protection Act, the General Data Protection Act and the Telecommunications Act 2003 when collecting, processing and using data.

The following principles are the foundation of our approach to protecting your privacy.

❤ We value the trust you place in us by giving us your personal information. We will always use your personal information in a manner that is appropriate and worthy of that trust.

❤ We will provide you with clear information about how we use your personal information. We will always be transparent with you about what information we collect, how we use it, and who you can contact if you have concerns.

❤ We will make every reasonable effort to protect your information from misuse and to keep it secure.

❤ We will comply with all data protection laws and regulations, and we will cooperate with data protection authorities. Where no data protection laws exist, we will act in accordance with generally accepted principles of data protection.

1. Use and processing of personal data and consent (Article 13 General Data Protection Act)

Herzkinder Österreich processes your personal data, namely

Member data
Name, address, phone/fax, e-mail, name of child, date of birth & diagnosis of child, communication with member

Donor and sponsor data
Name, address, phone/fax, e-mail, bank details IBAN/BIC, donation deductibility, communication with donor and sponsors

Online shop
Name, company name, address, phone/fax, e-mail, bank details, communication

Newsletter: Interested Heart Children & Interested Heart Run
Name, e-mail

Employee data (full-time and voluntary)

Name, address, phone/fax, social insurance number, place of birth, e-mail, bank details, place of work, photo, communication with employee

Name, address, phone/fax, e-mail, homepage, contact person, photo | logo, communication with suppliers

Various medical and paediatric care facilities
Name, address, phone/fax, e-mail, homepage, photo | logo, communication with doctors and medical staff & nursing services, place of work

This data is used for the purpose of processing donations and sponsoring, for processing member information, for processing employee information, for processing newsletter information, for processing supplier and partner information as well as for further information regarding the work or use of donations from Herzkinder Österreich.

The data processing is lawfully carried out in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 of the General Data Protection Act.

Data will not be disclosed to third parties. The data will be processed as long as the data is needed to achieve the purpose or as long as there is a legal obligation to keep the data.

If you use functionalities of our website that require the entry of personal data, by entering your data you give your consent that we may use your data electronically, by post or by telephone for the purpose for which you entered it.

Personal data which you use in the context of a general communication with us (e.g. inquiries about our projects, offers, products or via our online contact forms outside of a contractual or quasi-contractual customer relationship), are only collected, processed and used for the purpose of this communication. You are also entitled to the right of revocation in this respect.

Personal data that you provide us with when placing an online order will only be used to fulfil and process your order. For the processing of payments, we pass on the necessary payment data to the credit institute commissioned with the payment and, if applicable, to the payment service provider commissioned by us or to the payment service selected by you in the ordering process.

The storage of the data is basically for an indefinite period of time. Upon express request, the data will be deleted or made anonymous after compliance with the statutory storage obligations, with immediate effect.

Revoking your consent
You can revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data and to the sending of information messages/newsletters at any time. You can do this by clicking on the link at the end of the message in a received information message/newsletter, which will result in the cancellation of the information service. If you are unable to revoke your registration in this way, you can also send us your revocation in writing to, stating your first name, last name and e-mail address.

If you revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data or to the transmission of information messages, all your personal data will be irrevocably deleted, providing there is no legal necessity or a legitimate interest to process this data further.

Automatically generated data

Every time our homepage is visited and every time files provided by our web server are accessed, certain technical data are stored. However, such storage is only carried out in pseudonymous (indirectly personal) format. It is therefore not possible for us to determine the identity of any person from this data. The following data are logged: IP address of the accessing computer, file name of the accessed file(s), date and time of the access, transferred data volume, status message regarding the access and information about the used web browser. The storage of this data serves to ensure the security of our website and to be able to recognize and pursue attacks on our website or its misuse.


Our website uses "cookies" to provide its functionalities. These are small data elements (files) that are stored by your browser on the end device that you use to access our site. The information that a cookie contains is determined by the web server and then stored on your computer when you access our website. The web server assigns a lifetime to these cookies, which means that the cookies are deleted from your terminal device after this lifetime has expired. In your browser software, you can also set your browser software so that cookies are always deleted even if you close your browser.

Cookies are necessary in order to be able to clearly identify the visits to / use of our websites, which is necessary for the provision of certain functions, such as the login function in particular. However, we do not use cookies to monitor your surfing behaviour or to display targeted advertising.

If you do not want our website to store cookies on your device, you can set your browser settings to prevent storage. Please refer to the user manual of your browser software to find out how to disable the use of cookies. However, please bear in mind that you may no longer be able to use certain functions of our website.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics. This is a web analysis service of Google Inc. ("Google"). This analysis service also uses "cookies", i.e. small files which are stored on the computer and which enable an analysis of the use of our website. Information on the use of our website, which is collected using cookies, is used to evaluate the general use of the website, to enable us to compile reports on website activities and thus to be able to further optimise our website and to provide other services associated with website and internet use. The information generated by Google Analytics with the help of cookies about the use of the website - including the anonymised IP address - is transmitted to a server of Google Inc. in the USA.

Anonymization is achieved by removing the last eight bits of the IP address, which makes it impossible to clearly assign the determined data to a specific IP address. This information is transmitted to authorities or third parties if this transmission is required by law or if third parties are acting as service providers on behalf of Google. However, it is possible to prevent the storage of cookies by adjusting the appropriate settings in the browser. However, if the browser settings prevent the storage of cookies, it may be that certain functions of our website are no longer available. By using our website, you agree to the use of Google Analytics. Further information about Google Analytics can be found at:

Information about Google's privacy policy can be found at: Here you will find ways to prevent the use of Google Analytics and the associated data transfer to Google: AdWords

This website uses Google AdWords, an analysis service of Google Inc. and the Conversion Tracking within Google AdWords. Google AdWords places a conversion tracking cookie on your computer's hard drive when you click on an ad placed by Google. These cookies lose their validity after 30 days and are not used for personal identification. If you visit certain pages on our website, both Google and we can determine that you clicked on the ad and were redirected to that page. The information obtained through conversion cookies is used to compile statistics for AdWords customers who use conversion tracking. These statistics tell us the total number of users who clicked on the ad placed by Google and were redirected to a webpage with a conversion tracking tag.
In addition to Conversion Tracking, we also use the remarketing or "similar target groups" function. With Google's remarketing function we are able to reach users who have already visited our website. This enables us to offer our advertising to users of this website who are already interested in our products or services on other websites of the Display Network (see below). AdWords also identifies common interests and characteristics of users of our website based on user behaviour on websites in Google's advertising network ("Display Network") over the last 30 days and using contextual search engine technology. AdWords then uses this information to find new potential customers for marketing purposes whose interests and characteristics are similar to those of users of our website. The targeted remarketing takes place through the combined use of cookies, such as Google Analytics cookies and Google DoubleClick cookies, in the browsers of website users.
Should you not wish to be included in the tracking, you can object to this use by preventing the installation of cookies through an appropriate setting in your browser software (deactivation option). Or you can follow the following link and install the plug-in provided there: You can also disable the use of cookies by third parties by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative's disable page at and implementing the opt-out there.

In addition, the information in the previous section "Google Analytics" also applies to Google AdWords.

Further information about Google AdWords can be found under these links: and Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)

On our website there are references (links) to external social networks such as Facebook ("Social Plugins"). The functions assigned to the links, in particular the transmission of information and user data, are not automatically activated just by visiting our website, but are activated by clicking on the links. By clicking on these links, the plugins of the corresponding networks are activated and your browser establishes a direct connection with their servers.

By clicking on the links while visiting our website, your user data may be transmitted to the corresponding network and processed by the network. Should you click on the links while visiting our website and at the same time be logged on to the network via your personal user account, the information about your visit to our website may be transmitted to the network and stored there in connection with your account. In order to prevent the information from being assigned to your account on the relevant network, you must log out of your account before clicking on the link.

Please refer to the data protection notices of the respective social networks for information on the purpose and scope of data collection by the social networks and the further processing and use of your data there as well as your rights and setting options for protecting your privacy. The respective social network is solely responsible for the data processing that starts when you click on the link.

Third party access to personal data

We ourselves and service providers commissioned by us collect, process and use personal data. We will ensure that Herzkinder Österreich and service providers comply with the relevant legal data protection regulations and the obligations arising from this data protection notice at all times. Service providers may be commissioned, for example, in the context of donor advertising or the mailing of goods or advertising materials.
Otherwise, no third party shall have access to your personal data. In particular, we will not sell or otherwise exploit your personal data. We will only process the data, in particular transmit it to government agencies, if required by authorities or by law or if we are legally obliged to disclose the data.


We are not interested in the targeted collection of personal information concerning children under the age of 18. If we have knowledge that such data has been transmitted to us without the consent of parents or other legal guardians, we will delete it immediately. In doing so, we are dependent on receiving appropriate information from you as a parent or legal guardian.

Right of access, rectification and cancellation

You are entitled at any time to request information regarding which of your data we are processing (Art. 15 Data Protection Regulation). If the data collected is or becomes incorrect, you can request that your data be corrected (Art. 16 Data Protection Regulation). If the legal requirements are met, you also have the right to have your data deleted (Art. 17 Data Protection Regulation), to restrict processing (Art. 18 f Data Protection Regulation) and to have your data transferred (Art. 20 Data Protection Regulation). The official version of the Data Protection Regulation can be found for your information under the following link: If you have any questions regarding the processing of data, you can contact the following address:

Our website may contain hyperlinks, i.e. electronic cross-references through which the websites of other companies can be accessed. This data protection notice does not apply to these linked websites, but rather only the data protection regulations there apply.

Privacy policy

By taking all technical and organisational measures, we make every effort to store personal data in such a way that it is not accessible to third parties. When communicating by e-mail, however, we cannot guarantee complete data security and we therefore recommend sending confidential information by post.


We continuously check and update all information that we make available on our website. Nevertheless, some information may have changed since its publication or may be obsolete. For these reasons, we cannot assume any liability or guarantee that the information provided is up-to-date, correct and complete. We cannot accept any responsibility for the content and presentation of other websites to which reference is made by means of a link, as this information and page content are beyond our control.

However, should a link refer to a website that contains illegal or immoral content, we ask you to inform us immediately. We will immediately remove this link.

Changes to this privacy notice
We always keep this data protection notice up to date. It may therefore be necessary to adapt the data protection notice in line with changes in actual or legal conditions. By using our website, you accept these adaptations.

Responsible for data protection

If you have any questions regarding the collection, processing or use of your personal data, or if you require information, correction, blocking or deletion of data, please contact

Michaela Altendorfer, President & CEO E-mail: or by mail addressed to Herzkinder Österreich, Grünauerstrasse 1