
If you don't go forward, you go backwards - which is why we focus on research and development.


In recent years, a great deal of progress has been made in cardiovascular research. Nevertheless, the current high level of research should not hide the fact that almost everything that is done in the field of cardiovascular medicine is merely a symptomatic and not a causal treatment, and that we are powerless in the face of many disease patterns. Only if further research is carried out, will further progress be made and causal therapies be found in the future.

With a heart in the right place – Science that generates knowledge
….. because every heartbeat counts.

Herzkinder Österreich has supported the research projects of the Pediatric Heart Center Linz Research Association from the very beginning:

  • Promoting the growth and function of heart chambers (heart defects in which one heart chamber is underdeveloped and therefore cannot work in the circulation are among the most common heart defects and they lead to major problems in the long term)
  • Fetal/prenatal intracardiac surgery (The Paediatric Heart Center Linz is one of the few centres in Europe that performs prenatal heart surgery. In 2000, a closed heart valve was successfully opened here for the first time. Since then, intracardiac surgery has been performed on well over 150 foetuses.)
  • Plastic Bronchitis and PLE as complications in patients after Fontan procedure. In cooperation with the Children Hospital in Philadelphia (CHOP) a very important milestone could be set in 2018. For the first time in Europe, a special therapy to combat life-threatening plastic bronchitis was successfully performed on two Fontan patients at the Pediatric Heart Center in Linz.

Further information on the research projects can be found at

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Forschung 6
Dr Dori Beim Eingriff
Dr  Tulzer Dr  Dori
Forschung 4
Forschung 5
Röntgenbild Leber Nach Eingriff Man Erkennt Die Verschlossenen Lymphgefäße In Der Leber Dunkler Kontrast