Mourning parents

Death cannot take away what you own deep within your heart.

When a baby dies – losing your child

When parents lose a child, their whole world crumbles. No matter the child’s age or the cause of death, surviving your own child is a devastating experience. It goes against the natural order of life. It is unimaginable.

It is the worst thing that can happen to a parent – losing your child.

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Having to say goodbye to a child is a tragedy that affects mother, father and siblings alike. Life suddenly fades in colour and loses meaning. Grief envelops you like a cloak, feelings of guilt can swallow you up, and you have to find a way through it. The question why seldom reveals answers. The loss of a child is unbearable, yet life has to continue somehow. How? It seems impossible.

Bereaved parents and/or siblings need support and helping hands in order to navigate and process this intensely difficult time. Family and friends are a vital lifeline. Sometimes, though, those who are closest to us might not know how to reach out and what to do. This is why seeking support and speaking to others can help.

“You cannot lose through death what is deep in your heart.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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