Mourning parents

Death cannot take away what you own deep within your heart.

Support for heart families

The death of a child affects everyone - the loss reverberates through the whole family.

How can I get in touch with others, who went through the same experience – and came through it the other end?

Is there someone who can reassure me that my thoughts and feelings are normal?

Grief is a process that is different for everyone.

The intensity of it and the time it takes is a personal experience. No two paths through it are the same.

Getting in touch with other heart families

Social media

You can join our private Facebook group:
fighting together – mourning together

♥ Herzkinder Österreich ♥

Here you can reach out to and talk to other mourning parents in a supportive space.

Weekend for bereaved parents

Once a year, Herzkinder Österreich organises a weekend for mourning parents:
“fighting together – mourning together”.
This weekend offers a safe space for mourning parents to meet and share their experiences. It allows parents to mourn the loss of their child and take time out to process their grief in a supportive environment.

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